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W H A T   W E  D O

Work remotely with lifestyle brands and businesses who want to reach their ideal customers through strategic visual storytelling.


One time customized photo campaigns for your brand.


Monthly membership for ongoing social media photos/IG Reels/Tik-Toks.


Online room makeovers for commercial and residential spaces.


A B O U T 

Hi! I'm Erica, creative director behind EB Studio. I'm currently based in the Kalamazoo/Southwest, MI area (soon to be relocating to Chicago) and also own/run a cleaning and property management company. I’m obsessed with all things fashion, music, and design. When I'm not working with clients, I can probably be found watching Gilmore Girls (Team Logan), writing (essays/poetry), and watching adorable cat content on TikTok. 

T H E  S H O P

The hub for digital assets, guides, stock photos, prints and more! Additional items to be added soon.

F I N D  M E  O N 

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